Saturday, April 26, 2014

Man Finds Jesus Through Dream

Just as God revealed Himself to Abraham, his son Isaac and the children of Israel (or his son Jacob), Jesus, Who in the beginning was with God and was God is revealing Himself to the modern-day descendants of Isaac's half-brother, the Muslims as well as CBN TV - A Journey From Islam reveals.  Despite Islamic attempts to compromise the Deity of Christ,  Jesus has appeared to Muslims during their sleep, prior to showing them scriptures in The Holy Bible to confirm the Divine authenticity of their dreams.  Nabeel Quareshi stated in an interview on the 700 Club that he converted to Christianity from Islam after a dream in which he said, "I was standing at the threshold of a narrow door.  The door was just wide enough to fit me and just tall enough to fit me.  Inside this doorway I saw a feast.  And I knew that this feast was Heaven.  I wanted to be in that room, but I couldn't, because there was someone standing in front of the door, my friend David who had shared the Gospel with me.  He was blocking the entry way and I said to him, 'David, I thought we were going to eat together, as I thought we were going to be in heaven,' and he said,"You haven't responded.', and I knew that I had to respond to his invitation to accept the Gospel, but here's where it became crazy. It's when he told me, 'Nabeel, look at Luke Chapter 13 verse 22.  He knew his Bible.  I hadn't looked at this section of the Bible before, but I saw that it said the narrow was talking about a feast in the Kingdom of Heaven.  And when I read it, Jesus said, 'Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many I say to you will seek to enter, but not be able."

As the end times near, countless Muslims are succumbing to the Holy Spirit and forsaking the violence and hate of Jihad for the joyous victory of Christ's love. (H/T: CBN/ 700 Club)

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